FDOT Handrail/Guiderail Experts
If you are in need of a reliable vendor for your FDOT Handrail projects, you have found the right place. We understand the importance of securing trustworthy suppliers and contractors for your DOT projects. Timelines are often tight, liquidated damages may be in the contract and your business reputation is on the line. Our expertise and experience in managing both large and small DOT handrail projects means that you will never have to worry about if your rails are going to show up or not or if they are going to pass inspection. It is our goal to become your go-to vendor for DOT handrails.

Pedestrian Channelization Barrier
Pedestrian Channelization Barriers (D550-084) serve the purpose of guiding pedestrians along medians and roadsides, directing them to marked crosswalk locations. These barriers consist of a robust rail fabricated from 1" solid steel bars, welded into hoops. It's important to note that this style of rail is not designed to withstand vehicular impact but rather to efficiently channel pedestrians.
Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing
515-052 / 515-062
515-052 / 515-062 railing is designed for where a pedestrian or bicyclist drop-off hazard exceeds 5'0" or when a drop off hazard is less than 5'0" and is required by design or permit stipulations. Indexes 052/062 are virtually identical the only difference being 052 is steel and 062 is aluminum.

Pipe Guiderail
515-070 / 515-080
Index 515-070 / 515-080 is designed for use cases where pedestrian drop off hazards do not exceed 5'0". This guiderail is also designed for select uses on sidewalks within service areas or similar locations or maintenance areas where the drop-off exceeds 5'0". Indexes 070/080 are virtually identical the only difference being 070 is aluminum and 080 is steel.
Bridge Pedestrian/Bicycle Railing
515-051 / 515-061
515-051 / 515-061 railing is designed for where a pedestrian or bicyclist drop-off hazard exists on a bridge. It is only allowed to be used on bridges where expansion joint thermal movements do not exceed 5". Indexes 051/061 are virtually identical the only difference being 051 is steel and 061 is aluminum.

Contact an Estimator
297 Power Court Suite 141
Sanford Fl, 32771